Porn is a fantasy so why would we need reminding of all those nasty diseases that occur in the real world. That’s why we watch porn after all isn’t it?
I’ve met guys that love watching anal or oral porn as their girlfriends won’t do that with them. Watching condom free porn just helps remove the limits that get put on sex in the real world. Not to mention the fact it is a massive bonus to pornographers who can get away with making dirtier porn which is more saleable in an over saturated market.
You wouldn’t see cream pies (internal ejaculation) or bukkake (being ejaculated on facially in mass volume) if all porn were subject to the use of condoms. In fact it would make a lot of fetishes impossible to sell.
Some of the bigger companies in the US claim to be condom only studios. They have the most successfully marketed girls so they know people will still pay to see these beauties with or without condoms.
I had an email from a new porn girl the other day in which she states she uses condoms unlike 95% of performers and that she is annoyed at the level of producers and male performers that have a problem with that.

It appears that some UK producers deep down know there product is so weak that they irrationally fear the introduction of condoms will cause them commercial suicide. Basically that their poor sales will diminish so much further just for a condom sighting that they will go out of business.
Logic actually says that not using condoms is suicide!
Either that or they have an over inflated view of their work. “You wouldn’t find Chanel using poly viscose to make their latest haut couture darling. So I’m not using condoms in my latest erotic masterpiece”!
And as for the male performers. Well there is so much testosterone driven ego fighting to get out that the threat of having to put a barrier in front of it would probably cause them to self combust. To the guys a condom loses them bravado so they aren’t in a hurry to wrap up.
So the poor girls who are happy to use condoms are backed into a corner. They know that the work goes to the girls who will go bare back and risk themselves.
In that respect the porn business is a very degrading and exploitative one. It’s easy for the players to say “There’s no exploitation here. I’m not holding a gun to anyone’s head. I’m not making anyone do what they don’t want to” But think about it. You are! If you put £300 in anyone’s hand they would walk away with a smile on their face.
And in the same breath you want the government and the public to take you seriously. The same government that is spending thousands on campaigning to increase public awareness of STIs. The same public that is just starting to grasp the fact that condoms are a necessity in life now, not an option.
It does ruin the fantasy of porn (which is the whole basis of porn) but should we be romanticising sex in this day and age anyway? We are doing what young children do when they fear a monster. They think if they shut their eyes hard enough it will go away? Well news flash, this one aint going away no matter how long you walk around with your eyes shut. Stop running and start acting.
Porn is just showing its ignorance of a subject it should be and I believe is well educated on.
This will come back and bite us on the butt at some point. Viewers and non viewers alike are wising up to the risks and accepting the changes. They are starting to realise porn is showing them the biggest disrespect by not also accommodating this change. By being neglectful of their consumer’s welfare, by dumbing down the issue that others are fighting so hard to promote.
Do the people behind porn really think that by not promoting safe sex it will increase their sales? One thing’s for sure, it will offend and confuse its customers. One might argue that pornographers believe there consumers to be stupid.
Using condoms will not increase sales of porn but not using them may well start to cost sales. I think its carrot dangling time for porn. Stop hiding behind the false notion that condoms will stop people buying porn. Grow up and smell the coffee. The rest of the world has.
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