I can honestly say I don’t remember the details of losing my virginity.
I remember where and with whom and the basics of how the event unfolded but I can’t recall exactly how old I was or the date or the finer points of this typically memorable experience for most young girls.
I remember the details of my first porn shag much more clearly in fact.
The thing that I clearly remember is being told how id taken some guys virginity on set months after the scene had taken place.
It does happen. People lose their virginity in porn films. I don’t mean like the thousands of films that claim the star is an 18 year old college virgin. Please don’t tell me you fell for that line. I’m talking about genuine real life virgins. In porn this is rare and usually done in the guise of female domination with a male virgin.
Id arranged a 2 day shoot at a studio in south London to roll out some quality boy/girl picture sets for my website. I was going to shoot 6 guys. 2 sets for each guy. So that’s 12 fucks for me. For whatever reason I didn’t or couldn’t pay for my male talent so Id arranged my co performers based on a collection of emails id received from guys wanting to get a break into the business. Now this opens a whole new can of worms to which I will keep a lid on just for now.
I carefully picked the 6 guys based on a mix of who was good looking, who had a big todger , who had done shoots before therefore having a base knowledge of what to expect – not getting confused with them actually being any good at these previous shoots but they had the experience at least. Lastly I picked them on fitting certain niches or styles such as black guy/white girl or older guy/younger girl so that we could achieve some variety.
Bottom line - all of these guys would work for free and were at least semi believable as professional porn studs. I in return would get my pictures and give them a helping hand into the industry.
Paul was very shy and didn’t say much but I gathered this was his first shoot. He lived with his mum still, bless! He was young and seemed eager and that was good enough for me right then.
We had just finished the first set when the next model turned up early. A flash of inspiration resulted in my idea to do a threesome scene with myself and both the guys. The new arrival was the best looking of the bunch and the one who went on to become one of the main UK male performers for awhile.
Two of the guys got regular work in the business although they were often only used as last resorts or cheap alternatives. They were not by a long shot to the standards of the pros.
Poor Paul had fumbled his way through the first set and without really thinking about him Id now thrown him into a daunting scenario alongside an Italian Adonis type to his cute little boy next door look. All I cared about was that this created a fantastic situation for me to have two cocks. The camera never focuses on the guys aside their manhood so it didn’t matter that they looked so oddly mis-matched.
It’s easy to feel like a spare part in a threesome and it takes assertion to make it work. I knew it was Pauls first shoot so I directed him and worked hard to get him included in the action or he would have ended up looking like a nosey neighbour who had popped by to see what was going on and standing on the outskirts just watching. The Italian stallion had done this before once or twice as well as being very sexually confident to boot. Paul now seemed to go to bits next to him.
In the preceding months I received several emails from Paul asking if I had any more work for him. I don’t think I answered him and if I did it would only be to politely say no. He did the worst of all the guys that day. I put it all down to nerves as it often is with new guys trying out but I honestly didn’t think porn was for him even if he hadn’t been so anxious.
I did manage to get him one stint in a gang bang film. The producer couldn’t use professional studs for this as it needed to look amateur. I think this request must have coincided with one of Pauls emails so I hooked him up with the producer. I had after all promised him a leg up in the business. If anyone asked Id tell the truth and say that he didn’t really have what it took but id kept my side of the bargain to him.
A few days after the gang bang shoot I had a call from the producer to say thanks for the guy’s id recommended. Paul had attended the gang bang and from what I can make out didn’t prove himself any better there. Much like before, with the threesome shoot we did, he stood on the outskirts and fumbled along quietly.
Then to my amazement the producer commented “[he’s] not bad for someone who’s only ever had sex once”.
“Yeah. Didn’t you know he was a virgin until you did that shoot with him?”
I took this guys virginity!
On a porn set!
And I didn’t even know it!
I was actually a little angry Paul hadn’t said anything to me. It’s a big deal taking someone’s virginity and had I known I would never have agreed to it. It would have explained his shyness. Well it wasn’t actually shyness now was it? It was not knowing the fuck what he was doing... AT ALL.
What on earth was going through this guy’s head? Why on earth would anyone want to lose their virginity on a porn set?
Was he desperate? Was it some sort of fantasy?
He was definitely the shy, quiet type and I could easily imagine him having difficulty in chatting to girls so maybe it was out of desperation. But to do it for the first time on a porn set. That’s like suicide. It could really screw your head up. Porn sex isn’t like real sex. Porn is like dancing a carefully choreographed ballet instead of free styling on the night club dance floor. Its fake is what it is. It would be like getting married only to gain a green card. If you’re going to do something as life defining as losing your virginity, do not cheapen it by doing it on a porn set. Do it for the right reasons. Then every other time after that you can do it on porn set. The first time should be real and special.
On the other hand even if he was desperate, it took balls to go through with it and even to think about it in the first place. I was still angry that id been made to be part of this. Maybe that’s why he never said. Maybe he knew he was wrong to be doing it that way.
Crazy guy.
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