Well I found out soon enough how the business of porn chose to “deal” with sexual health and sexually transmitted diseases.
I was called by one of the agencies id joined to say id been booked for a shoot in the north. It was a boy/girl shoot. They knew I was new and assumed rightly that I wouldn’t have had a sexual health test or certificate to prove I was clean and free of diseases. The clinic they recommended I go to for these tests, which was used by alot of porn people, was private and cost £150.
I’d been to the GU clinic before when a boyfriend cheated on me and Id decided that I should get checked out. Now that time I didn’t need a certificate but it was an NHS service which meant it was completely free. £150! Where was I going to get that type of money from? I had a credit card but I didn’t really want to start getting into debt trying to be a professional slut.
The agency said if I initially paid for the test the company booking me for the shoot would pay me back. This seemed fair.
However upon calling the private clinic it turned out they couldn’t fit me in at such short notice. Kind of a blessing really as I later found out from a girl I became good friends with that said company only shot solo girl or girl/girl content for their DVDs. The boy/girl was simply the owner booking girls for his own gratification. Said owner’s character was also in questionable disrepute and if the rumours were to be believed he had just been released from prison for making a film with a 14 year old girl. It’s OK, her dad was there too. I grimace at the thought.
I will talk more later about underage girls and paedophiles but don’t fret or get too excited yet as it’s all rather reassuringly decent.
So id missed out on my once in a life time opportunity to shoot with a real nonce. Boo hoo. I decided to get this health test and certificate done anyway as I was assured more offers of boy/girl work would follow shortly and I didn’t want to lose more money by not being prepared or equipt.
I booked into my local GU clinic figuring id go the cheaper option. What could a fancy clinic possibly provide that a government funded one couldn’t, apart from a faster service maybe.
I was right the NHS clinic although very nicely decorated and not at all seedy and ashamed looking took hours to screen me. I waited in the girl’s part of the waiting room. Men and women were screened separately as the tests obviously differ with the differences in anatomy. Like I said earlier I was no stranger to GU clinics and it made me feel better about what I was about to have done seeing a room full of normal looking people waiting with me. The stigma that the clap clinic is full of dirty old men in rain macs and skanky hoes really is not accurate. There were young people and women with young children, couples, people in business suites and even some OAPs. Yes apparently old people have nothing better to do than have sex. Quite how they get STIs I don’t know but good for them. I hope I’m still as horny when I’m wearing incontinence pants and forgetting my own kid’s names.
After what seemed to be an age of waiting I was finally called. By a number mind. Names weren’t used at this clinic to keep confidentiality measures strict.
Waiting to be told you might have a life threatening disease like HIV wasn’t easy. Having said that, bringing the heavy stuff to my attention meant that the simple stuff like Gonorrhea and Chlamydia were easy to deal with.
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