Id sussed out from watching Georgia what it was all about. Teasing, typing very fast and being very shrewd. If you wanted to earn money doing this you had to be all of the above. Apparently just getting my bits out wasn’t going to cut it here so I had seriously misjudged that. That’s ok though. I’m not stupid. I’m bright. I can do all that I thought. And if these girls can do it then I definitly can.
Rather big headedly I thought the rest of the girls were a little stupid. I’m not usually so stereotypically judgemental of people but they hadn’t just given up sought after jobs that usually go to university graduates yet id never even been to college!
So myself and Jody headed off to the bathroom to get showered and ready for our shifts in the cam house.The girl who had flown over and arrived with me was already there too. Doing what we did for a living no one minded sharing the bathroom. Not an eyelid was batted.
It was a big bathroom – presumably they had intended it to be used for big orgy’s at some point. I chatted to Jody as I showered and noticed her giving me a funny look as she nodded discreetly towards the other girl. I looked over and she was shaving her legs but blood was pouring down them. Jody asked if she was ok and she said yes, she was just abit shaky with a razor. She had a very strange demeanour which on reflection I now realise was probably autism or some other mental condition. She was defiantly odd and awkward looking.
One morning she had gotten up to get ready for her shift and in the dim light of the room spent ten noisy minutes trying to unlock her locker. She simply couldn’t see the hole for her key to slot into and the rest of us all too tiered and irritable from long night shifts and lack of sleep just ignored her or shouted at her to be quiet.
We later worked out that this girl who wore glasses from time to time was actually blind as a bat. We put all the evidence together that all these odd things were happening when she didn’t have her glasses on. Apparently she was trying to avoid wearing them to make her look more sexy. This also explained why her makeup looked as if it had been applied in the dark. To her it had been! Jody and Georgia sat her down one day and did her make up nicely and showed her how to make her thick rimmed glasses look sexy. We all told her she had to wear them or she was going to do herself a real mischief.
So the days went by and this strange girl seemed to become a little less strange but still as awkward. She never got involved in any girly chat or wanted to join us when we were off duty and just doing our own thing. Going into town to shop or gassing quietly in the lounge so the microphones wouldn’t pick up on the conversations we wanted to remain private from the guys paying to watch the voyeur feeds. It was all too easy to ask “so where are you from?” to another girl and to be given a dirty look in reply because you’d forgotten about the damn microphones all over the house. We worked out that the only safe room was the bedroom that was being decorated so we tended to congregate there until the management worked out what we were doing and would come down from their office and move us on like naughty school girls loitering in the school halls.
Infact the only time I ever really saw this girl was in the bedroom.
On one of my last days I was standing just outside the front door chatting to someone when I saw two guys that worked as staff in the house carrying a double mattress out the door and lob it into a nearby skip. That’s strange I though. Looks like my mattress!
Then Diva, the lady who owned this whole get up called me into the office and asked me to sit down. She said that this odd girl was being flown back to England. We'd all noticed she would itch herself alot and put it down to eczema. Apparently Diva had noticed it more and asked her to see the Dr who had diagnosed scabies.
Shit! I shared a bed with this girl.
That was our mattress they had thrown out.
They actually planned to burn the thing. Diva asked me if I’d had any itching and I said no. She said if I had any, any at all I was to tell her and see the Dr too. I never did get any itching but that was the icing on the cake that told me it was time to go home.
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