So id decided nakedness was not an issue to me and id also decided that if you could see my bush you might as well see what was in between my legs too.
I’ve never been a big tease fan. I’m more a wham bam thank you mame type of girl as you can tell from my approach here.
So then this little list of check boxes went on to say things like G/G, B/G, A levels and DP.
What the...?
I may be quite a modest person when it comes to talking about my brains but I’m certainly not stupid so I worked out that G/G is girl/girl. Basically lesbian scenes. B/G is boy/girl. That’s easy, sex with a guy and A levels is anal. A levels is actually a term coined in the escort world.
I felt like I was in the minority when it came to experimenting and exploring with other girls. Id only ever kissed a girl on the lips, closed mouth as a dare in a pub to impress my boyfriend once. So I decided that G/G was a definite to tick. I saw it as an opportunity to try something new that I already really wanted to but hadn’t had the opportunity to yet. I wasn’t missing out.
B/G. Well I was boyfriend- less and it was against my beliefs to ever make the first move on a guy so my sex life was actually pretty pants to be truthful. This would be a great and easy way to get laid. Laid by hunky men with big cocks too. I’m not fussy though. No honestly, I’m not.
I was a little worried about the anal bit. Although Id mastered the finger up the butt Id not managed the somewhat larger penis up the butt just yet. I’m not sure what convinced me to tick the box but I did.
I was on a roll and grasping this porno lingo so I worked DP out to mean deep penetration. I’d heard the phrase before and took it to mean when a guy puts his wee wee really deep into you. The fact that they had put this down as an option made me think - What’s up with these girls? I love cock deep inside me, but some of them obviously don’t if you gotta ask me if I want to do it or not.
How silly did I feel the minute I walked out the office and r
ealised DP was in fact double penetration. That’s where you have two guys. One in your pussy and one in your ass.
Ouch! I thought. That sounds abit ....tight! Oh hell you had the balls to say yes to the rest of it, you might as well go the whole hog and try that too. It’s not like I can’t change my mind if I don’t enjoy it.
I’m the type to feel like I’m missing out if I don’t try something at least once.
I’ve never been a big tease fan. I’m more a wham bam thank you mame type of girl as you can tell from my approach here.
So then this little list of check boxes went on to say things like G/G, B/G, A levels and DP.
What the...?
I may be quite a modest person when it comes to talking about my brains but I’m certainly not stupid so I worked out that G/G is girl/girl. Basically lesbian scenes. B/G is boy/girl. That’s easy, sex with a guy and A levels is anal. A levels is actually a term coined in the escort world.
I felt like I was in the minority when it came to experimenting and exploring with other girls. Id only ever kissed a girl on the lips, closed mouth as a dare in a pub to impress my boyfriend once. So I decided that G/G was a definite to tick. I saw it as an opportunity to try something new that I already really wanted to but hadn’t had the opportunity to yet. I wasn’t missing out.
B/G. Well I was boyfriend- less and it was against my beliefs to ever make the first move on a guy so my sex life was actually pretty pants to be truthful. This would be a great and easy way to get laid. Laid by hunky men with big cocks too. I’m not fussy though. No honestly, I’m not.
I was a little worried about the anal bit. Although Id mastered the finger up the butt Id not managed the somewhat larger penis up the butt just yet. I’m not sure what convinced me to tick the box but I did.
I was on a roll and grasping this porno lingo so I worked DP out to mean deep penetration. I’d heard the phrase before and took it to mean when a guy puts his wee wee really deep into you. The fact that they had put this down as an option made me think - What’s up with these girls? I love cock deep inside me, but some of them obviously don’t if you gotta ask me if I want to do it or not.
How silly did I feel the minute I walked out the office and r

Ouch! I thought. That sounds abit ....tight! Oh hell you had the balls to say yes to the rest of it, you might as well go the whole hog and try that too. It’s not like I can’t change my mind if I don’t enjoy it.
I’m the type to feel like I’m missing out if I don’t try something at least once.