I sheepishly jigged around the stool id been perched on top of before Big Dave yelled ‘Action’. I looked more as if I needed a pee than I was seductively stripping my outfit off. Once id stripped off no one came forth with any direction so I just carried on strutting naked around the chair most likely with a confused look on my face. Should I stop or carry on? Eventually someone yelled cut and then we moved on to Big Dave joining me in the scene. I learnt over time that when you do something on film you need to slow it down and this includes your talking. I suppose as we aren’t technically trained actors and actresses and because we do get nervous we tend to sprint to get through the bits we don’t like, like dialogue and intros that involve more traditional acting to establish the scene. Porn is typically lacking in script and this is good since most performers can’t read lines to save their life. Even being fed lines they fail miserably. Many a time I’ve been involved in a scene where the producer or director has asked one of the performers to do something and it’s usually like pulling teeth. We have no common sense as porn stars. We wouldn’t know how to own a role if we tried.
So anyway, as I say you need to slow things down in movies – well adult movies anyway. I can’t comment on mainstream Hollywood movies since I’ve never been a part of one. If someone asks you to strip which could easily be done in all of about 20 seconds considering how little some porn performers wear you need to string the whole thing out. I worked out a little routine for striping off. I adapted it so that I have a 5 minute version, a 10 minute version and a 20 min version depending on the needs of the requester. I go through a mental list of poses so I show off my front and back, my legs and my breasts equally in time. First whilst dressed then as I strip off of which I now have taking my panties off down to a fine art form lasting an age but being every second of pure tease and provocation, seriously I should win an award for this act alone, and then I go through my poses again when fully striped to show off my completely naked body in all its glory so the parts that were covered up before are now fully exposes for all the world to view.
Sometimes you get sick of all the tease and think ‘Fucking hell cant I just start naked and we get on with the fucking?’ but then again sometimes the titillation can be the best fun as you can get creative and vary this plus watching people’s reactions to what your doing is entertaining too. Usually camera men are just watching for angles and composing their frame or holding the camera steady but sometime you see you have caught them out and they are actually watching you and getting off. It’s a very empowering thing.
Big Dave enters the set and sidles up to me very slowly and erotically. His hands are large and warm and soft on my pale and goose bumpy skin. He makes a big show of lusting over my body with his hands and tongue and then concentrates on my pussy. It feels nice. Not like fucking but more like making love. Very dark and erotic and sensual. I actually do forget I’m on a set apart from my nerves about what is going to be happening to my twitching little ass hole all too soon. I try and enjoy this moment though and let it seduce me into

It’s time for Big Dave to take me on. I’d been concentrating so hard on what was happening before this point to try and distract myself. Maybe hoping something would happen to save me at the last minute. He doused himself and me with lubricant and continued in his slow and sensitive style and gently worked his way into me all the time reassuring me and asking if I was ok. I was ok - for a girl who was struggling to perch back on the stool whilst Big Dave and his big cock entered my back passage. We had limited ourselves to possible sexual positions with the way the set had been dressed. For this I was thankful along with the distraction of trying to keep my balance on the stool.
I didn’t feel any pain during the anal but it was tight and uncomfortable. I didn’t enjoy it. Dave was indeed big but with it being so dark on set it was hard to get a good look and feel even when it was literally in front of my eyes whilst I gave him oral. Id had good cause to be nervous but it wasnt by a long shot a bad experience. I knew since he was supposed to be the daddy in the trouser snake department that it would all be a walk in the park in future. In at the deep end as they say and id managed to swim.
The pace remained slow. There was never any forceful pounding but still I started to get abit soar. Dave assured me it would soon be over and not before time it was. He worked hard to make sure I was always ok and to make sure that my ordeal was over swiftly. He made quick judgement calls when things didn’t go quite to plan but remained calm and empathic to my needs at all times. I would never see such compassionate behaviour from someone in porn again.
I’d gotten through a day id never forget. My first boy/girl sex scene and my first anal sex scene with a guy who to add to the already substantial list had the biggest cock id ever encountered. I’d done it. I was generously remunerated, I was tired and cold and hungry and still covered in flippin glitter. Id missed my last train home which despite Dave’s seemingly caring ways during the shoot he didn’t extend to once we’d wrapped. I was dumped at a deserted station and had no choice but to call my ex boyfriend to come and get me.
We drove home and had sex.
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