As much as I enjoyed having Cindy as a friend it soon became apparent she wasn’t cut from the same cloth as me and cracks in our friendship started to show.
Initially shed been so keen to help me get work and vice versa and to do jobs together with me especially.
Initially shed been so keen to help me get work and vice versa and to do jobs together with me especially.
I started getting agents, photographers and producers calling me up asking questions about Cindy. At first I didn’t twig but one agent explained that she had cried off a shoot declaring she had gotten her period at the last minute.

Let me explain about porn and periods. Unless someone is producing a film or set of pictures to cater for the niche of period play or blood sports then sticking things like cocks or toys inside your bleeding vagina can be tricky aesthetically.
Some girls ask their family planning association to put them on contraception that ensures they never bleed. Some girls just don’t work when they are on. And some girls use a sponge.
Using toys or fucking with a hard long tampon inside u is rather dangerous so girls buy specially made sponges produced to allow women to continue to enjoy sex whilst they are menstruating. These sponges aren’t widely available so most girls buy cosmetic sponge from a chemist and cut it up. It’s not ideal and can cause thrush and bacterial vaginosis so some girls don’t like to use sponges. Plus not having a string like a tampon they can get lost.
Using toys or fucking with a hard long tampon inside u is rather dangerous so girls buy specially made sponges produced to allow women to continue to enjoy sex whilst they are menstruating. These sponges aren’t widely available so most girls buy cosmetic sponge from a chemist and cut it up. It’s not ideal and can cause thrush and bacterial vaginosis so some girls don’t like to use sponges. Plus not having a string like a tampon they can get lost.
The first time I used a sponge I specifically asked the girl I was working with not to insert the toys to far however in the height of passion things, instructions got forgotten. I ended up on the bathroom floor panicking id have to go to A&E to get the sponge removed but the girl responsible for pushing the sponge so deep calmed me down, told me to lay down, coated her fingers in lube and after a few seconds withdrew with the sponge between her fingers.
The next time wasn’t quite so graceful. I wasn’t as worried as I knew it would come out this time but I ended up on the floor with my legs in the air and a guy who I nick named dad using his speculum and two fork ends as giant tweezers to reach the sponge. Bloke’s fingers aren’t as slim and long as women’s.
So for the girls who just don’t work when they are on, they just don’t book any work for these weeks. Sounds easy right. Wrong. Any ladies out there reading this will know that probably 50% of women have irregular periods that just pop up when they feel like it so planning anything let alone this type of work around your period can be impossible.
Therefore when a girl like Cindy says she suddenly got her period it is completely plausible and is still one of the biggest excuses used for not going to work.
So was Cindy telling the truth or not.
So was Cindy telling the truth or not.
Well since she claimed to me she had just come on the week before I though she must be telling porky pies. Maybe she had another good reason for not seeing the shoot through.
I asked her how the shoot went the next time I saw her. I was annoyed that id put her in touch with this agent and that agent was annoyed enough with Cindy’s unreliability to call me and ask me what I thought. It didn’t look good on me so I decided tricking Cindy wasn’t completely un justifiable in the circumstances.
Id got her the work and she in return threw it in my face.
She looked abit sheepish at first and then said that she’d had to go in and do some office temping that morning last minute. That how she paid her bills, office temping. The modelling was just a bonus to top up the wages.
I was livid that she was lying. I didn’t know if it was to me or my agent but she was lying.
I asked her how the shoot went the next time I saw her. I was annoyed that id put her in touch with this agent and that agent was annoyed enough with Cindy’s unreliability to call me and ask me what I thought. It didn’t look good on me so I decided tricking Cindy wasn’t completely un justifiable in the circumstances.
Id got her the work and she in return threw it in my face.
She looked abit sheepish at first and then said that she’d had to go in and do some office temping that morning last minute. That how she paid her bills, office temping. The modelling was just a bonus to top up the wages.
I was livid that she was lying. I didn’t know if it was to me or my agent but she was lying.
I thought twice before putting her in contact with people from then on but Cindy got worse.
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