Monday 21 January 2008

30 reasons for doing porn

· To piss off your boyfriend/ex boyfriend
· To piss off your parents
· To piss off your friends or colleagues
· Your an exhibitionist
· You a nymphomaniac
· For money
· For fame
· For sex
· For attention
· Your too stupid to do anything else
· Your smart enough to realise there is a market for you out there
· Your boyfriend wants you to
· As a route into acting/modelling/singing
· To pay you through college
· To shock people
· To sell a story to the tabloids
· To find a sugar daddy (believe it or not this is true)
· To raise your self esteem
· Because your good at sex (or so you think you are)
· Because you have a big dick
· Because you can’t get laid any other way
· Because your good looking but not good looking enough to be a

fashion model (you actually need to be less good looking for fashion and
more edgy looking)
· To do something out of the ordinary
· As a dare
· To pay off your debts
· To pay for a habit
· Because your made to
· Because you have no skills to do any other job
· Because you watch porn all the time

There really are hundreds of reasons.

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